Monday, May 25, 2020

Understanding Fearful Avoidant Attachment Style

Individuals with a  fearful avoidant attachment style desire close relationships, but feel uncomfortable relying on others and fear being let down. Fearful avoidant is one of four key styles of attachment proposed by psychologist John Bowlby, who developed attachment theory.   Key Takeaways: Fearful Avoidant Attachment Attachment theory is a theory in psychology that explains how and why we form close relationships to other people.According to attachment theory, our early experiences in life can cause us to develop expectations that affect our relationships throughout our lives.Individuals with a fearful avoidant attachment style worry about being rejected and are uncomfortable with closeness in their relationships.Having a fearful avoidant attachment style is linked to negative outcomes, such as a higher risk of social anxiety and depression as well as less fulfilling interpersonal relationships.Recent research suggests that it’s possible to change one’s attachment style and to develop healthier ways of relating to others. Attachment Theory Overview When studying the interactions between infants and their caregivers, Bowlby noticed that infants had a need to be in close proximity to their caregivers and that they often became quite distressed when separated. Bowlby suggested that this response was part of an evolved behavior: because young infants are dependent upon parents for caregiving, forming a close attachment to parents is evolutionarily adaptive.  Ã‚   According to attachment theory, individuals develop expectations about how other people will behave  based upon  those early attachments.  For example, if a childs parents are generally responsive and supportive when he or she is distressed, attachment theory would predict that the child would become a trusting adult. On the other hand, a child whose parents responded inconsistently or negatively might have difficulty trusting others upon reaching adulthood.   The 4 Attachment Styles Generally speaking, there are four different prototypical attachment styles that can explain our attitudes and beliefs about relationships: Secure.  Individuals with a secure attachment  style feel comfortable trusting others. They see themselves as worthy of love and support and are confident that others will support them if they need help.Anxious (also known as preoccupied or anxious-ambivalent). Anxiously attached individuals want to rely on others, but worry that others won’t support them in the way that they want. According to psychologists Kim Bartholomew and Leonard Horowitz, anxiously attached individuals typically have positive evaluations of other people but tend to doubt their self-worth, which causes them to seek out the support of others but also worry about whether their feelings for others will be reciprocated.Avoidant (also known as dismissing-avoidant). Avoidant individuals  tend to limit the closeness of their relationships and feel uncomfortable relying on other people. According to Bartholomew and Horowitz, avoidant individuals typically have positive views of themselves but believe that other people can’t be counted on. Consequently, avoidant individuals tend to remain independent and often try to avoid any form of dependence.Fearful avoidant.  Individuals  with a fearful avoidant attachment style have characteristics of both anxious and avoidant individuals. Bartholomew and Horowitz write that they tend to have negative views of both themselves and others, feel unworthy of support, and anticipate that others will not support them. As a result, they feel uncomfortable relying on others despite a desire for close relationships. Most people do not  fit the attachment style prototypes perfectly; instead, researchers measure attachment style as a spectrum. In attachment questionnaires, researchers give participants questions measuring both their anxiety and avoidance in relationships. Anxiety  survey items include statements such as, â€Å"Im afraid that I will lose my partners love,† while avoidance survey items include statements like, I  dont feel comfortable opening up to romantic partners.† On these measures of attachment, fearful avoidant individuals  score highly on both anxiety and avoidance. Roots of the Fearful Avoidant Attachment Style If parents are not responsive to a childs needs, the child may develop a fearful avoidant attachment style. Psychologist  Hal Shorey writes that people with fearful avoidant attachment styles may have had parents who responded to their needs in threatening ways or who were otherwise unable to care for and comfort the child. Similarly, researcher Antonia Bifulco  found that fearful avoidant attachment is  linked to childhood abuse and neglect. However, some research suggests that fearful avoidant attachment style may have other origins as well. In fact,  in one study  conducted by  Katherine Carnelley and her colleagues, the researchers found that attachment style was related to participants’ relationships with their mothers when they looked at college student participants. However, among a group of older participants, researchers did not find the expected link between early experiences and attachment. In other words, while early life experiences do affect attachment style, other factors may also play a role. Key Studies Some research suggests that fearful avoidant attachment style is connected to  an increased  risk of anxiety and depression. In a study conducted by Barbara Murphy and Glen Bates at the Swinburne University of Technology in Australia, researchers compared attachment style and symptoms of depression among 305 research participants. The researchers found that fewer than 20% of participants had a fearful avoidant attachment style, but, among participants whom the researchers categorized as depressed, the prevalence of fearful avoidant attachment was much higher. In fact, nearly half of  participants categorized as depressed displayed a fearful avoidant attachment style. Other research has corroborated these findings.   Psychologists have found that individuals  with secure attachment styles tend to self-report  healthier and more satisfying relationships than insecurely attached individuals. In a study conducted by noted attachment researchers  Cindy Hazan and Phillip Shaver, researchers asked participants questions  about their most important romantic relationships. The researchers found that secure participants reported having relationships that lasted longer than avoidant and anxious participants’ relationships. Because fearful avoidant attachment style encompasses elements of both anxiety and avoidance, this particular attachment style can lead to interpersonal difficulties. For example, Shorey writes that people with a fearful avoidant attachment style want close relationships, but may pull away because of their anxieties and worries about relationships. Changing Attachment Style According to recent research, the negative outcomes of fearful avoidant attachment style are not inevitable. Individuals can utilize therapy to change relationship behavior patterns and cultivate a more secure attachment style. According to  the Greater Good Science Center, therapy  provides an outlet for understanding ones attachment style and practicing  new ways of thinking about relationships. Additional research has found that being in a relationship with someone who is securely attached can be beneficial to those with less secure attachment styles. In other words, people with less secure attachment styles may gradually become more comfortable if they are in a relationship with someone who has a secure attachment style. If two individuals who are not securely attached find themselves in a relationship together, it has been suggested that they may benefit from couple’s therapy. Healthier relationship dynamics are possible by coming to understand ones own attachment style as well as the attachment style of ones partner. Sources and Further Reading Bartholomew, Kim. â€Å"Avoidance of Intimacy: An Attachment Perspective.† Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 7.2 (1990): 147-178., Kim and Leonard M. Horowitz. â€Å"Attachment Styles Among Young Adults: A Test of a Four-Category Model.† Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 61.2 (1991): 226-244., Antonia, et al. â€Å"Adult Attachment Style As Mediator Between Childhood Neglect/Abuse and Adult Depression and Anxiety.† Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 41.10 (2006): 796-805., Katherine B., Paula R. Pietromonaco, and Kenneth Jaffe. â€Å"Depression, Working Models of Others, and Relationship Functioning.† Journal of Personality and Soc ial Psychology 66.1 (1994): 127-140., Erica. â€Å"Is There Hope for the Insecurely Attached?† Science of Relationships (2014, June 19).â€Å"The Experiences in Close Relationships Scale-Revised (ECR-R) Questionnaire.†, R. Chris. â€Å"Adult Attachment Theory and Research: A Brief Overview.† University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Department of Psychology (2018)., Cindy, and Phillip Shaver. â€Å"Romantic Love Conceptualized as an Attachment Process.† Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 52.3 (1987): 511-524., Meghan. à ¢â‚¬Å"How to Stop Attachment Insecurity from Ruining Your Love Life.† Greater Good Magazine (2014, Feb. 13)., Barbara, and Glen W. Bates. â€Å"Adult Attachment Style and Vulnerability to Depression.† Personality and Individual Differences 22.6 (1997): 835-844., Hal. â€Å"Come Here-Go Away; the Dynamics of Fearful Attachment.† Psychology Today: The Freedom to Change (2015, May 26).

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Philosophy Moral Foundations 154 Reflection Paper Essay

Philosophy Moral Foundations 154 Dr. Weislogel 12/2/16 Reflection Paper Solving and analyzing problems has been at the forefront of philosophical studies. They tend to solve problems no other artist can solve. Most people are able to solve a simple problem until it becomes a moral problem. A problem which has two perspectives often calls for a person to make sensible decisions. Their decision may determine not only their stance on ethics, but it also determines their ability to think clearly while helping others. The situation presented in this scenario is one that requires thoughtful reasoning. There are many advantages of passing the SFE. Passing the SFE means getting an opportunity of a lifetime. Yet, I understand that not everyone can excel in the exam. Certain situations may force the participants not to excel, but for others it’s just that they lack the capacity to excel. I am somewhat sure I will pass, yet I keep thinking of my friends as well. I want them to excel too. One particular friend of mine has been having issues with her school life. A majority of the events leading to her current situation are the product of fate; they are out of her control. Before starting the exams, I accidentally got the test answers. I am thinking of my friend but I am also confused on the possible consequence surrounding this issue; should I give her the paper or not? In this essay, I sought to reflect on the problem and with the help of two objective philosophers,Show MoreRelatedFoundation Of Engineering Ethics And Values3793 Words   |  16 PagesFoundation of Engineering Ethics and Values Interaction between Ethics and Technology SUBMITTED BY SHIRISH KUMAR KATA 1498381 ADVISOR Prof. Colin Doyle OKLAHOMA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT: At the outset morals and innovation appear to have no collaboration. On the other hand, we see the impact of morals on innovation both from the calling and the general population. 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HM786.M33 2007 302.3’5—dc22 2006022347 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 09 08 07 06 Typeset in 10/12.5 pt sabon by 72 Printed by Ashford Colour Press Ltd., Gosport The publisher’s policy is to use paper manufactured from sustainable forests. . Brief Contents Preface List of figures List of tables Acknowledgements xiii xvii xix xx 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Introducing organization theory: what is it, and why does it matter? ModernistRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words   |  269 Pagesor other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States. 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No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the priorRead MoreLiterature Review Summary19571 Words   |  79 Pagesperformance through some of its antecedents among who are attributes of service quality, retention of customer and loyalty, and management of customer relationship at a highly dynamic and competitive United Kingdom retail industry. The thesis takes the philosophy of realism as a stance which means observation can only be regarded as credible if it is made from different perspectives and creates greater efficiency and effective research conduct (Easterby-Smith, Thorpe and Jackson, 2008 p.63-73). 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Friday, May 15, 2020

Gentrification Of Downtown Kansas City - 1856 Words

Gentrification can be defined simply as the shift in the makeup of the people in a community. It is the transition in a community from a run down, poorer area to a more wealthy demographic. Gentrification starts with the increase of property values caused by brokers and real estate agents. These brokers and real estate agents usually benefit the most from gentrification. Businesses that are moving in are storefront coffee shops, cafes, boutiques, etc. Since these newer, nicer shops are occupying the storefront, the rent for the apartments above rise, causing many people to lose their homes. The new tenants that move into these apartments are typically young and hip. They prefer to hang out at these coffee shops below. These new landlords are more in touch with the demographic changes and are looking to change the area in order to make money. The older, current landlords do not see a need for change. Some people will argue that gentrification is inevitable. While gentrification is ha pping all over the world, I did my research specifically on downtown Kansas City, Missouri, Harlem, New York, and DUMBO, Brooklyn, New York. Gentrification comes with both positive and negative effects. These three areas each show a unique perspective on gentrification. An example of gentrification that has already happened in New York is DUMBO; it stands for â€Å"Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass.† DUMBO is an older area of Brooklyn. David Walentas is the founder. David Walentas made aShow MoreRelatedOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagessociety from agrarian to industrial. The concept of division of labour lay at the very Case study Making pins in Gloucester, England Pinmaking by hand started in the early 1600s in Gloucester, England. By 1802, there were nine factories in the city employing 1,500 people and exporting pins to North America and Spain. It was an industry that required the skills of a number of different artisans. Adam Smith, the pioneering economist, considered pinmaking a classic example of the ‘division of labour’

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Welfare And Health Care Reform - 1527 Words

Chapter 17 of the textbook We the People: An Introduction to American Politics covers the topic of social policy. The two main issues of social policy in today’s society are welfare and health care reform. They are considered the main issues because they require the most government spending, and are the two most controversial and debated parts of social policy in America. America has always had some sort of welfare state. Before the Great Depression, a time of great economic hardship in this country, local governments, churches and private charities were in charge of caring for the poor. People had a choice to help or not to help the poor. The federal government did very little. At this time, there were two groups or classes of poor people: the deserving poor and the undeserving poor. Society said the deserving poor were widows, orphans, and those that were disabled. The undeserving poor were those who just did not want to work. When the Great Depression began in 1 929, everybody was having a hard time. At this time, the people saw a need for public assistance. In turn, under President Roosevelt, the Social Security Act of 1935 was passed. This Act began Social Security or the government funding of welfare. There are two types of welfare: contributory or noncontributory. Contributory programs are financed by income taxes also called forced savings. With contributory programs, the people have no choice. They have to contribute to their own possibleShow MoreRelatedThe Potential Abolishment of Government Assistance Programs 1248 Words   |  5 PagesThe Potential Abolishment of Government Assistance Programs Government Assistant Programs such as Welfare, Food stamps, Daycare, Healthcare, Energy, Communication and Transportation should be kept because they serve as an aid to people who need them. 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Prior to this bill, lawful permanent residents were eligible for public benefits on more or less the same terms as citizens (Fix, 2002). After 1996, human rights revoked to legal immigrants and essentially didn’t even put them in the same category as citizens, presenting them with challenges to obtain any type of health care access for not only themselves, but also their families. The health care reforms made by Bill Cli nton in 1996 directlyRead MoreEssay on The Welfare Reform Law1058 Words   |  5 PagesSince the Welfare reform law was introduced in 1996 it has impacted American society greatly. The new welfare policy, named the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), replaced the Aid to Family and Dependent Children (AFDC) program; they have five known differences that only affect the ones who need the assistance. Critics argue that the TANF has negatively impacted the society while some argue that it has not. 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These single parents can never work enough hours to support their familiesRead MoreThe Welfare Policies And Welfare Programs1232 Words   |  5 Pagesdeciding who is eligible for welfare and for what amount of time, though federal funds can only be provided for five years of benefits over the lifetime of the recipient. Women currently have very few options when it comes to working and caring for their children. The next section of this paper will discuss the welfare policies aimed at alleviating the struggle of women to care provide for themselves and their children. Welfare Programs and Eligibility There are several welfare programs that are availableRead MoreAn Analytical Comparison Between England And Florida s Child Protection1619 Words   |  7 PagesEducation Committee (2012) and Eastman (2014) both note that serious improvements are needed within England’s child protection services. England and Florida share similar welfare states and benefits systems. 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Comparing the Great Gatsby and Winter Dreams - 2747 Words

Fitzgerald Essay â€Å"And one fine morning...† With this phrase, appearing on the last page of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s masterpiece The Great Gatsby, narrator Nick Carraway effectively sums up the motivating force that drives the novel’s titular character, Jay Gatsby. It is the achievement of the American Dream that hangs – unreached – at the end of Carraway’s sentence. In this way, the story leaves us with a similar lasting taste of longing, the bittersweet realization that powerful as the Dream may be, it is just that: a dream. And yet, while the Dream, like the sentence – is never fully realized, this unrealization is itself a source of motivation for continuance. There is still the promise of that â€Å"one fine morning† making it impossible to†¦show more content†¦This plan ended up working for Gatsby, because he met Daisy, whom he then did not see for a while, and bought a large house. Jay Gatsby threw extravagant parties each Satur day to prove that he had social status, and money. One thing about Gatsby is that nobody knows about his past. People make up rumours about him, but no one really knows his story. Gatsby is too ashamed of his background to tell anyone the real story. Because nobody knows Gatsby very well, this makes him very mysterious. For Nick, Gatsby is very mysterious because he is his next door neighbour, yet he has never met him. When Nick first sees Gatsby, he does not know what to think. This passage describes Nick’s first look at Gatsby â€Å"He stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, far as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seaward- and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the end of a dock. When I looked once more for Gatsby he had vanished, and I was alone again in the unquiet darkness† (25). The reader later finds out that Gatsby was looking at the green light on Daisy’s dock. Dexter Green is quite similar to Gatsby in many ways. Dexter was also born into a family in which he wanted to leave, and change his identity. To try and get some status, Dexter worked as a caddy at a rich golf course, where he met Judy. He first met Judy as a young boy, butShow MoreRelated Comparing F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway Essay1214 Words   |  5 PagesComparing F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway, though both evolved from the same literary time and place, created their works in two very dissimilar writing styles which are representative of their subject matter. The two writers were both products of the post-WWI lost generation and first gained notoriety as members of the American expatriate literary community living in Paris during the 1920s. Despite this underlying fact which influencedRead More West Side Story Essay1120 Words   |  5 Pagesthe gym in Act I,Scene 4, where Tony and Maria first meet. At this dance everyone is dancing the jitterbug just as the jive. Both were popular during the 1940`s and 1950`s. We should also mention that it is summer. Otherwise typical autumn or winter weather would have been mentioned and/or the gangs possibly would not set the rumble outside. ( 139 ) 2. Outline the typical features of the society depicted. First we meet the Jets. They are a group of polish ancestry, all born in AmericaRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Jay Z Carter 3841 Words   |  16 Pagesexperiences as women are tied throughout their lyrics. Jay-Z has always stood out as an artist that is willing to question the status quo and is constantly pushing the envelope. In 2013, Jay-Z was the executive prouder for the entire soundtrack for The Great Gatsby film. It was a unique decision to pair an extremely well-known rapper with a piece of classic American literature. Jay-Z was fascinated by the opportunity and through the experience of producing the soundtrack he was able to showcase his talent

Effects Of Motivation On Employee Productvity In Wesfarmers

Question: Discuss about the Effects of Motivation on Employee Productvity in Wesfarmers. Answer: Introduction Background of proposed research: Employee productivity is prerogative in any corporate and non corporate organization in order to streamline the flow of operations and services. Several parameters influence the productivity of human capital, primary among them being monetary incentives along with motivation. Research Aims and Objectives: The research intends to focus upon impacts of employee motivations upon labor turnover of Wesfarmers. The study aims towards application of human resource models along with survey among past and present employees of Wesfarmers in order to evaluate the causes and subsequent repercussions of employee motivation. Research Questions and Problem Statement: Whether monetary appraisals are adequate to prevent high employee turnover? Whether non monetary appraisals play a role in affecting employee motivation? Whether gender of employee affects the level of workplace motivation? The accessibility issues pertaining to the large employee base of Wesfarmers limits the scope of collecting responses from both current and ex-employees. Rationale of the study: Present studies fail to explain the motivation level of employees engaged in the retail and service industry. Moreover, the explanation in available literature is limited on the issues behind high employee turnover in the aforementioned industry. Therefore, I intend to evaluate the factors that impacting the motivation level of employees at Wesfarmers. Figure 1: Contents of the proposal (Source: As created by the author) Chapter 2: Literature Review Introduction Over a period of 40 years numerous set of studies based on psychology and human resources management came up, however, in terms of factors delving into level of employee turnover in services industry, available literatures fail to adequately address the issue. Thereby, it can be inferred that a new set of research on intrinsic and extrinsic factors that motivates the employee can be useful towards policy formulation by business managers and human resource management. Selected researches on motivation Multiple researches conducted on employee motivations have provided numerous attributes to employee motivations. Frederick Hertzberg has postulated the dual factor theory of workplace motivation inferring that different sets of jobs profile that are heterogeneous in nature comprises the level of satisfaction along with dissatisfactions. In Hertzbergs theory employee motivation is dependent upon motivators and hygiene factors (Ramlall, 2012). Motivator factors related to employee motivation through various forms of diversity and inherent job satisfactions. Whereas, hygiene factors comprise of monetary and non monetary privileges provided to the employees in the form of salary, monetary increments and workplace environment. Review of published literature in terms of employee motivation propounds that expectations regarding non monetary incentives, intrinsic incentives pertaining to job role and magnitude of job responsibilities along with performance feedback are the independent factors influencing the level of employee motivation. Provision of performance evaluation is counterproductive is restraint of adequate organization framework that compliments feedback by employees Chaudhary and Sharma (2012) In addition to that Van De Voorde et al. (2012) mentions holistic approach with regards to the employee rewarding structure, the non financial increments in terms of increased supervision along with promotional activities and exposure to different sets of job responsibilities tends to enhance the workplace motivation of employees. Moreover, Mikkelsen et al.(2014) mentions that payment as per performance enhances the level of productivity among present employees motivating them to increase efficiency, however if no incentive ceiling is maintained such payment structure can diminish co-operations among employees in turn diminishing motivation and intrinsic job satisfaction among employees. Manzoor (2012) mentions that the quantum of alignment of employee goals with that of the employer organization ensures streamlining of work flows through incremental levels of motivation. In terms of placing strain on the employees there ought to be a trade off as regards to adequate degree of compensation both in terms of financial increments along with non monetary incentives through allocating the higher number of leaves, higher degree of assistance at workplace along with increased job opportunities. Relevant Theories: McGregors Theories: McGregor suggests that organizations comprises of hierarchical pyramids pertaining to human nature coupled with motivation. Moreover, McGregor inferred that as regards to the theory of hierarchical needs it has several drawbacks that pertains to the adaptability of the theory universally. In contrast McGregor propounds another theory that takes into and environment conducive to growth and coordination among employees. Therefore, in case of a situation where high turnover ratio is the norm in an organization, the employers should focus upon following a mix of dual set of theories. Informal work groups: Lzroiu (2015) proposes that informal work groups tends to provide incremental levels of productivity and reduces the overall levels of workplace dissatisfaction. Moreover, an informal environment tends to reduce communication bottlenecks thereby providing enhanced sets of feedback mechanism and employee redresses in turn complimenting the level of motivation among employees. Chapter 3: Research Methodology Research onion: Figure 2: Research Onion (Source: Elnaga and Imran, 2013) Research onion is a graphical representation of different sets of primary and secondary activities as regards to the research undertaken. Research Philosophy: The current research seeks to follow a positivism approach as objective of the research pertains to evaluation of evidences regarding employee motivation level in case of Wesfarmers. Moreover, as the research seeks to provide conclusions based upon real facts therefore positivism approach is better suited as compared to realism or interpritivism. Research Approach: The research shall follow a deductive approach of research as the author seeks to follow a top down approach with regards to collection and analysis of data. Moreover, formulation of hypothesis have been made and appropriate qualitative methods are required to be deployed with regards to hypothesis testing against sets of evidences to be collected regarding proposed research. Research Design: Descriptive research design is required to be followed in the current case as responses collected from the participants in the research, the present and ex-employees of Wesfarmers, are required to be kept unaltered in order to come up with unbiased inferences. Data Collection Process: In case of current study primary data collection method is required to be applied. The data required in order test the hypothesis is currently unavailable from secondary sources. Therefore, through primary data collection method the analysis regarding the motivation of employees are taken into account. Data is required to be collected through online survey by distribution of questionnaires to the current and former employees of the company. Sampling Method: The method to be followed for the sampling of data pertains to non probabilistic purposive sampling. Sample Size: In terms of number of the respondents, sample size pertaining to proposed research is taken at 45 in order in collect responses from the current and ex-employees of Wesfarmers. Ethical Consideration: The research shall be made with genuine data sets collected from authentic respondents who are currently working or have previously worked at Wesfarmers and manipulations as regards to data along with preparation of biased set of survey questionnaires are prevented. . Summary The proposal focuses upon examining impact of employee motivation on productivity and follows a deductive approach of research. Moreover, survey of employees of Wesfarmers is planned to be conducted in order to collect primary evidence on impact of motivation through non probability sampling. Expected Outcomes: The current study would be able to provide insights into the correlation among the labor productivity with level of motivation infused into the workers. Moreover, the research will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of financial and non financial increments on the motivation level of employees. Moreover, the proposed study also examines whether gender of employees affects the level of motivation. References: Chaudhary, N. and Sharma, B., 2012. Impact of employee motivation on performance (productivity) in private organization.International Journal of Business Trends and Technology,2(4), pp.29-35. Cherian, J. and Jacob, J., 2013. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Management Backup and DR Powerful and Secure Platform

Question: Describe about the Management Backup and DR for Powerful and Secure Platform. Answer: Introduction Cloud platform is a powerful and secure platform that provides secure data access to its users. Cloud computing is a practice of using a network of remote servers that are hosted on internet to manage, store and process data. Use of cloud is important to run business at global level. But at cloud platform various risk of security and privacy are encountered by users due to hacking, phishing and denial of service attacks, Besides this, various other issues regarding remote administration, SLA management and resource management can also occurred, if all requirements will not be followed by users (Ali, 2014). Discussion In this segment of report, we will emphasize on all above listed important concepts regarding cloud platforms. (, 2016) Management and Remote Administration The most important requirement of Child Protection Company is to perform remote locations and communications on cloud networks. To achieve this goal, company has to know about requirements of remote administration implementation (, 2016) Remote Administration This mechanism allows cloud users to perform their administrative activities and administrative tasks on remote locations easily and quickly. There are some requirements that necessary to fulfill: Cloud services must be settled and configured properly by cloud providers. Only then better services can be provided to cloud based users. Leasing cost and cost of service usage must be managed by cloud service providers properly. So that users can get service at reasonable price. IT resource provisioning must also be planned and evaluate properly. Capacity of cloud services that are provided to users must be planned properly. Resource Management Resource management program is used to expose APIs that are commonly used in cloud platforms for performing activities to access remote systems and to store data on those systems. The basic platform that is used by resource management is virtual machine image repository platform. To implement resource management properly following requirements are necessary to fulfill. Administrator portal that will be used by administrator. An effective user interface for managing various resource management tasks at internal level. SLA Management All commercially available products of cloud computing are represented by SLA management. SLA stands for Service Level Agreement which is an important agreement for all service providers and they have to follow this. The main features of these products are collection, storage, runtime, administration, reporting and notification about SLA data. For deploying this essential SLA management mechanism following requirement are necessary to fulfill. First requirement is of repository to store and retrieve SLA data. This data is important because it is collected from different information sources. The system that used to collect SLA data, monitoring of that system is very much necessary, because on the behalf of this data decision making is done. Backup and DR While providing cloud services to users, it is necessary for cloud providers take care about backup and data recovery (, 2016). Application Resilience When an application responds to one of its components and provide best service then it is known as application resilience. This is a testing process which is also known as non-function testing. The main purpose of this process is to make every component in an infrastructure more reliable and efficient. Application resilience will be helpful to achieve goal of Child Protection Company to maintain security and privacy of every component on cloud infrastructure. Application resilience is helpful to evaluate failures and security risk factors that can occur over network. Cloud providers must implement application resilience in Child Protection Company and other companies to enhance security and privacy of data. For data exchange services, application resilience is important. Backup and Disaster Recovery Backup and disaster recovery is an important concept and it is necessary to prevent data from loss or damage. Due to network vulnerabilities important data can be lost. The protection of that data is necessary. In this case, backup and disaster recovery can provide help. On cloud platform, a huge amount of data is sending and receiving by users, in this case, unauthorized users always try to access their information such as personal or credit card information. Besides this, they conduct malware attacks on network that destroy whole database. In this case if we have backup of data into another computer, then data can be saved. It is also an important scheme to protect exchanged data files over network from vulnerable attacks. Evaluation of SLA SLA is an important mechanism to deal with cloud products that are used for storing and accessing data from remote locations. SLA must be followed by cloud providers and it ensures that accurate service is provided by providers to users. There are some guidelines of SLA for cloud platform that are required to follow by providers: (, 2016) First guideline of cloud platform defines that essential characteristics of cloud computing are demand self-service and broad network access. Besides this, Software-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service and Infrastructure-as-a-Service are four models of cloud platform. The deployment models of cloud should be public and hybrid. Service level agreement must be followed by cloud services. Security and privacy level objectives must be fulfilled by cloud providers for maintaining confidentiality, integrity and availability of data on cloud platform. Proper and accurate data management is also necessary. Cloud service provider must have code of conduct and security certification. Conclusion This report will be helpful for management of Child Protection Company to underhand important factors of cloud computing. Through this report, company can know about actual requirements of remote and resource management and why Service Level Agreement is considered important for service providers. The importance of data backup is also discussed here, so technical experts of Child Protection Company must understand above discussed important information about cloud platform. This will help to maintain long term security of data on cloud platform. References (2016). Backup, restore, and disaster recovery. Retrieved 7 October 2016, from Ali. (2014). Cloud Management Mechanisms. Retrieved 7 October 2016, from (2016). Cloud Computing, collaboration software, cloud technology - Salesforce India. Retrieved 7 October 2016, from (2016). Application Resiliency - Defined. (2016). Retrieved 7 October 2016, from (2016). Overview of maintenance, backup, and disaster recovery for Exchange Server. Retrieved 7 October 2016, from